It would seem that for many firms subject to MiFID II, trade and transaction reporting operations got off to a decent start. There is, however, still plenty to do during the second half of 2018 as firms review their tactical approaches and solutions and aim to implement more robust, strategic solutions that will increase cost efficiency and enhance controls.
Firms who have been successfully reporting since MiFID II went live should now be focused on continual improvements to the quality and completeness of their post-trade and transaction reports. It’s important to ensure there are robust controls and oversight of trading activity versus submissions to the APA and ARM. Both recent and future ESMA updates to its MiFID II and MiFIR Q&As will likely require firms to review their reporting solutions – an iterative self-assessment processes to support consistently accurate and complete reports within a robust control environment
Reporting health checks can help firms to review their operating models and improve their regulatory reporting control environment.