Regulatory Change and Compliance

The challenge that regulatory reforms present is immense, and in some cases fundamentally changes how markets operate and participants interact.
Laurellis Associates has expertise and experience advising how to navigate this ever-evolving regulatory landscape. We will provide regulatory advice and assurance, a comprehensive assessment of the regulatory challenges and ultimately help you to operationalise regulatory change.
We have helped our clients to tackle many regulatory challenges, including:
- Impact Assessments & Gap Analyses – SFTR, IBOR Transition, SMCR, CSDR
- Regulatory Health Checks and Assurance – MiFID II, EMIR, ASIC, MAS, GDPR, AIFMD
- Trade and Transaction Reporting Remediation – MiFIR, EMIR, ASIC, MAS, Reconciliation, Controls
- Best Execution and TCA – Collateral Management, Uncleared Margin Rules, Central Clearing
Laurellis Associates will deliver a collaborative approach to regulatory change and compliance.
We will help you to understand the impacts of global regulatory reform offering a comprehensive, cost effective and tailored solution to manage regulatory change and compliance to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
“Laurellis Associates will help you navigate the uncertain regulatory landscape”
How we’ve helped our clients
EMIR and MiFIR Accuracy and Completeness Checks
MiFID II Impact Assessment and Gap Analysis
EMIR Health Check and Assurance
MiFIR Transaction and Trade Reporting
Margin Rules for Non-Cleared Swaps